09-06-2002, 06:17 AM
No problem guys, I just want you all to know I value all your opinions. When I asked BS to let me name the server after AA.com. I was under the condition, I did it for our members.
I have removed st paul, I had good timing last night and jumped in to let people know I was removing the snowy park and st paul. Well I got a chance to play st paul only for a few minutes, and I had to agree with you guys, It was not a very enjoyable map.
Keep letting me know what you like or dislike, the only thing I will not change is =CRK=
Also please let me know if you have seen a good map. Send me a link and I will check it out. I am currently awaiting a new map with working tanks, jeeps and halftracks based on the hidden single player map. Could be interesting. The Author should be releasing it soon.