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My vacation (56k warning)
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Default My vacation (56k warning) - 06-26-2006, 08:56 PM

So i went with my gf's family down to Sanibel Island this past week. Got some shots I would like to share with you guys.

First i'll start with the deep sea fishing adventure.

#1 [img][/img]

80 pounds of solid fish, and was a bitch to get it. My gf's brother and i were tied into eachothers lines and rigged up to these waist belt things to use our body weight to catch this thing. The guy said this was a baby, and they get as big as 400 pounds. This thing almost pulled us into the water, i cant imagine fighting 400 pounds of fish (It was a Goliath Grouper)

#2 [img][/img]

#3 [img][/img]

Pelican eating a shrimp, you can clearly see the little guy about to get eaten


#4 [img][/img]

#5 [img][/img]

#6 [img][/img]

#7 [img][/img]

#8 [img][/img]
Thought this was pretty sweet looking

#9 [img][/img]

#10 [img][/img]

#11 [img][/img]

#12 [img][/img]

All pics taken with my Canon A610

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