Originally Posted by Hawke
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by "Doctor Duffy":4d3f5
Do you wear women's clothing now, porky?
I lol'ed. I love it how you seem to talk alot about doing stuff with girls/ect yet you are a huge fucking nerd, literally.
As for what I did.....
Beach Party the Saturday before. Tons of hot chicks drunk + tits + jet sking + swimming + fireworks.
Then yesterday I spent most of the day jet sking and getting jumped on by 2 girls.
Get over your outdated social archetypes. There are no clicques where I live. There just arent enough in our little community. Also, in my experience, only nerds who are ashamed/self concious about their nerdiness have social issues. I have no such limitations, what interests me interests me and no one should be ashamed of that.
Plus, I attached myself to cool people early on, so I do have involvement with girls. Very rarely is any of it of a sexual nature. I did not have any sexual involvement with the girl who's bra I opened one handed.
Also, bravo, you called me 'huge'. Welcome to bandwagon land, population: unoriginal people everywhere. I dont care that Im obese. Its who I am. I have been working at changing it for personal health, not because of images of what a man should look like in calvin klein catalogues. Although it saddens me when people mock anybody when tryingto improve themselves. Best example from personal experience are the elitist assholes in gyms who watch and laugh at the fat kid on the treadmill. It only makes that person want to hide, and discourages them from continuing. I was one of the few who was unperturbed and slogged on. I have lost 97 pounds since last June, and anyone who wants to mock that, go right on ahead. I dont care.
Also, noone here really has the right to call anyone else here a nerd. Its a fucking internet forum, get over yourselves.[/quote:4d3f5]
see what happens when you say the n word