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=[DOA]=BallBuster is Offline
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Default Doggie - 09-06-2002, 11:08 PM


How is it that you dont have "Full Control" over the box?

The only limitation i see is the maxrate now being set
at 8000. Other than that there are no limitations

And Yup....

Anything below 8000 is very laggy

I was not trying to get in a pissing match with you
You should have called them and asked them what
was going on. Thats what I did when I saw lag happening.

They explained that they were testing the best maxrate settings
with a few server admins to come up with the best number
and that number was 8000. Like I said before, increasing
this number did nothing to stop lag even with a full server

Whenever I see lag spikes (rarely) I immediately call XGS
to see whats up. Things have been pretty smooth with
them so I am happy for now. That is as long as it
stays like this

No hard feelings dude.....

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