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Default 09-07-2002, 12:11 AM

His track record is enough for me to warrant a war. Just letting him sit there growing old while he gets stronger isnt a solution. His dictatorship must be ended. Will his loss in a war effect me at all ?? No. If I go to fight there, I would say so. Family members are currently on active service in the region. Am I scared for their safety ?? Yes. But that is what every service man and woman signs up for...the possibility of being called upon to defeat evil, and that son of a bitch (no matter what you say and tell me any different) is fucking evil. Do I like Arabs ?? No. I dont. But I hate Saddam for one reason and one reason only, he is a flatout prick, and his life needs to be ended and democratic rule put in place of his regime.

His "great and powerful army" crumbled under the Coalition forces in the Gulf War. Even the United States alone could defeat Iraq in a full scale conflict, infact, the job would be pretty piss easy for them. If the fighting is to take place in an MOUT environment, the United States would once again prevail. He may have numbers, but they certainly lack any form of discipline and most certainly lack the intense training that the Western Army's undergo. After all that is said and done, his military shouldnt be under-estimated, and the Pentagon should be looking at this situation with the utmost care and attention. It wont be easy, there will be deaths, but you cant just let him continue his rule in that area, it's not feasible.

Can you honeslty tell yourselves that Saddam DOESNT have Chemical or Biological weapons ?? To think that would be plain fucking ridiculous. It's obvious the reason he wont allow Weapons Inspectors back in, because the place is fucking full of those weapons. Do you think he stopped developing them at anytime in the past ?? Ofcourse he didnt, he has stockpiles that werent even discovered by the UN back in the 90's. Too put it bluntly the guy is a lying sack of shit, and to take his word over the Former Chief UN Weapons Inspector and defectors from Iraq is pretty stupid. They have said countless time Iraq has and still is developing them and studying them. To ignore expert and first hand knowledge like that from the people who have been to Iraq and from those thatdeveloped them or worked on those programs in Iraq is once again, stupid.

Thats my view of the situation. Take it as you will. But I strongly believe taking Saddam out is a first in a long line of things that need to be accomplished in the Middle East.....the other, wiping out all Islamic extremists.

Im off for the weekend. Be good.
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