broken rib? -
07-09-2006, 03:17 AM
i have a question regarding broken ribs. last year i was really drunk at a party and was looking for a place to piss beside the house i was at. i didnt happen to notice the 6 foot trench dug for some sort of pipe; which i fell into and smashed my left side pretty fucking hard on the other side (i was left breathless for a good 5 minhutes). one of my ribs was in pain for a good week or so, it was hard to move from certain positions and deep breaths/laughing/coughing caused tremendous pain. after awhile it healed up, but tonight i got really wasted and decided it would be fun to box my 220 pound friend (i'm only 150). he nailed me in the exact same spot/rib h that i fell onto, and now i can barely move. i'm literally yelling in pain just to get up off the couch. do you think my rib is broken and i should get it checked out at a doctors, or is it just bruised and will go away in time? any experiences? duffy post a dirty penis? can kim possible do the impossible?