07-11-2006, 01:21 PM
i had a weird dream last month and so after i woke up i emailed my friend jackie the whole thing:
"I had the weirdest dream just now. i was at the academy awards because I had won a seat. they were going to let me present an award to jake gyllenhall and I was getting so nervous about speaking in front of everyone so I started asking people for advice and help cause I had no idea what to say. finally robert redford walked me over to tom hanks sitting in a directors chair and told him that I couldn’t do it so tom changed the presentors name to someone else (I forget who) on this weird looking computer and gave me a very disappointed look. As we were leaving, this really cute freckled red head in a dress and cardigan sweater came up to me and said she was my biggest fan. She gave me a hug and asked me to look at the purple writing on her hand. I took her hand to read it and it was her phone number and so I read it aloud. She smiled at me and told me to give her a call and I said I would and started rubbing her fine ass. I was a little stunned by this and for some reason my other friend homer appeared. as we were walking away, I started to forget her phone number and so I started shaking him and yelling at him to remember it so he started reciting the phone number and repeating it. at this point an older, famous actress walked past us and started to laugh at me or both of us. Then I was in a SUV being driven by rob lowe when he suddenly slammed on the brakes and skidded into the back of a UPS truck near the parking structure. The police were helping people out of the car and I did not have my seatbelt on, so I tried to pull it across my lap to make it look like it was on the whole time. As I got out of the car, I saw the guy who plays Pussy on the sopranos laying on the ground and the EMT were giving him aid. I think he had a heart attack or something."