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Default 07-13-2006, 06:04 AM

I did it. Last night, for just a few minutes in my dream, I was totally concious and aware that I was experiencing a common anxiety induced dream. Common for me, anyway. I have never remembered a dream this well before:

I went to school, and my drama teacher grabs me and tells me "Chris where have you been? You're late!"
"Late for what?"
"Oh shit."
*Explanatory note, I frequently have dreams of this nature for weeks after a play or something. Its just usually not when I have a huge role in Shakespeare (Sir Toby in 12th Night)
So I quickly get into costume, about halfassed. I come out behind the stage, and recognize my dialogue being read as though from a book. I realize that The drama teacher's assistant, a girl called alison, is reading my lines as Stacie,playing maria, performs against them. Oh SHit. I run out, and literally slide, baseball style, into my postion on stage. I prepare to say my first line... When I realize I dont actually know them. Its been too long. So after standing there for a minute, I look at the audience. There are only two people. A middle aged couple. So I apologize them them, explaining that I didn't know there was going to be an encore performance, and it had been so long since the last one, that I had long forgotten my lines.
Then the drama teacher, who is called miss mac, comes out, berates me, and apologizes to the small audience, saying we just need a few minutes to get ready and start again. I immediately go backstage and look for a script. There are plenty, but none seem to have any of my scenes in them. Every script. Nothing. Stacie comes up to me, and says "You want to practice our lines?"
I have the first line in the scene, I know that. But I dont remember it. So stacie's tone completely changes, and she starts asking me questions.
"What's your name?"
"Where do you live?"
"How old are you?"
"Are you dreaming?"
Then it was like a storm had stopped. All that weird ambient sound, like a mixture of shouting and static, was gone. My movements no longer felt distant or restricted. I was there, and I knew the deal. It was a dream. A way for me to vent my panic about forgetting my lines in the first place. So suddenly Im like a man who just got saved in church. Im running around to everyone, saying "Guys! It doesntmatter! ITS A DREAM!" Then the performance starts. I still havent found my script, but I dont care. A lot of boring nothing happens, as with any drama production. The first signs that Im starting to fade from rationality again is when my drama teacher, who is really quite obese, comes out with a multicolored gimpsuit on and a blonde wig, I guess to play a clown. Which was weird, because Feste was already on stage. But the thing was, she wasnt fat. She looked like an extremely skinny little man in the suit. I dont know how I recognized it as her, but I did.

Then the audience started laughing at her, like a full audience, but I looked out, there were still only the two. Out of nowhere, a guy sort of like orlando jones is MCing the show, and he says "If ya'll dont quiet down, Im just gonna call the show off." They dont, and he does. We all go home.

Suddenly Im home, and the lucidness is gone. Phones start ringing. We have four different phones in the house, on four separate lines. Somehow we know its ms mac calling. We all hate her, because shes such a fucking bicth and all, so anyhing she does is right away wrong. So she calls each phone in order. We can never find our phones. And we know shes doing it just to lead us on a chase. Then my cell phone rings, and I have it right on me. I answer, all tough guy "the FUCK you want?"
Its my dad. "Hey! watch your mouth, boy!"
"sorry, the cell phone just kinda freaked me out."
"Come to my room"
on the way, I see my mom. Shes shoving my clothes into a suitcase. My sister is going to the states early, and taking some of my clothes with her. In reality, she did this the morning before this dream. I didnt say goodbye.
I get to my dad's room, and he hands me something. I dont remember what it is. He tells me hes taking mom down to some place. In my dream, I know this place well. I frequently invent places or concepts that have deep histories with me in my dream, but then make no sense in the real. And he leaves. Then my regular phone rings again, and I grab it. Its miss mac.
She starts droning on about something to do with my IB. Im not listenming. Then its silence on the other end, and I say hello?
No response. Almost immediately, tho, my cellphone gets an SMS. Its from ms mac. She's bascially telling me I have to rewrite some report I did for drama on Halo (again, illogical concept) then I scroll down, and she's left me some helpful quotes. For some reason, my cellphone has transformed into a large picture frame with the SMS engraved, but it still scrolls. I decide, heh thats a cool quote, and hang it up in my room. I cant find any nails to hang it up on, I need two, because the frame is now of a picture and is horizontal, not a verticle SMS quote. And theres no frame, its just a piece of floppy poster paper.

So I end my dream looking for a nail to hang a piece of poster paper with some random picture on it considering the word "Cortana" and how I can incorporate it into my report.
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