Originally Posted by Gerard
Graphics are sub par because of the size of the maps. If the weapons and player models were higher poly that would push the system spec waay up then people would be bitching about needing a "super computer" to run it.
The vehicles more than make up for it though, a lot of detail in them and they look exactly what theyre supposed to look like. As for it being arcadey well id rather have a fighter\bomber with 30 bombs than attempt to land and get some retard to give me another bomb, and take off again with 30 noob team mates bitching about wanting to take my plane and trying to blow me up.
Anyway any of you biotches ever landed yer plane on the beach? I did cool:
Bah, I never land the planes, I expend my ammo and parachute over the Jap carrier and start killing them there, or steal a Val or Zeke and use it's bombs, jump out, repeat, etc.