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hey black folk, we need to stick tagetha
gtboys34 is Offline
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Default hey black folk, we need to stick tagetha - 07-16-2006, 01:32 AM

hey black people, we need to stick togethaaa!!! we can't allow the white man to hold us down no mo.... we gotta make something out of ourselves. Sign the petition to get gtboys34 a moderator position. Get on yo computer and type in world wide web dot. g r o u n d f o r c e o n e dot c o m. and sign the petition. We need stronger brothas like him to represent us in the white folk community. He ask that we give 1 dolla to support his fund. I say.. it's worth it... I know ya'll po asses can afford a dolla, naah. cmon support gtboy34... Im gon go down to the dollar general thamorrow and get some postaboard so we can make some signs or sumthin, aight?
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