[quote="ColinXP [3rdArmy]":aeb2b]
Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
But I hate Saddam for one reason and one reason only, he is a flatout prick, and his life needs to be ended and democratic rule put in place of his regime
Nice reasoning Wookie, you guys sound brainwashed. I still havn't heard a legit reason for war with Iraq. If Bush can't even come up with one, I highly doubt you guys will be able to.[/quote:aeb2b]
I would'nt call wook brainwashed, his country last I checked is against a war in Iraq, therefor he is against the norm. And I am not brainwashed either, I for many years was a democrat(sadly) until I realized they were weaking our military, and our borders, letting terrorists go(osama anyone) and whinig, pissing and moaning about everything. Have you heard what clinton had the audactiy to say? " We should not be going after saddam, we should be going after osama" hake: Clinton was handed the chance to get Osama by Sudan and he turned it down. I am now a staunch Conservitive Republican and damn proud of it. But I dont always follow the party line, the norm for conservitives is anti-abortion, I am pro-choice, Bush wanted to give many Illegals amnisty, I thought that idea was shit. So I form my own thoughts and follow them through I dont let other tell me what to believe.