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Default 09-07-2002, 11:20 AM

Uh, ya! Whatever dude.

You really think you can stop terrorists from entering the US when you can't
even do shit about drugs ? Please. The only thing your new "security scam"
is doing is making it harder for normal people to get on the planes... and
maybe, just maybe the amateurs that want to hop on a plane with a knife
or something else with no intention of causing mayhem.

And forget about your precious "army": they're TOY SOLDIERS. There, I said
it. TOY SOLDIERS: they enroll in the army to go kick some ass oversea, get
trained day after day after day... but we won't use them because life is way
too precious. Yours is a scare-tactic army. Too bad most groups are catching

Enough from me for now... time for my medication.
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