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[DSB]Doggie is Offline
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Posts: 104
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: I'm on a mission from Dog
Default 09-07-2002, 01:01 PM

All i had to do was make a second server.cfg file and call it server1.cfg.
i put the line: seta net_port 12222 in server config1
i put the line: seat net_port 12217 in server config2

This also allows me to change the way each server runs.

Lastly i change the coomand lne in the executable to include: +set net_port 12202 +exec servercfg1.cgf

i change made the other one read: +set net_pot 12217 +exec server.cfg

I can just click the button and can start eaither or both servers and they each read their own server.cfg file and assing seperate ports.

sorry for the spelling

Im a bit tired.

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