09-07-2002, 01:45 PM
There is a Readme file with Autokick that will explain all of the settings, basicly with announcements you will have to create your announcement, how often it runs and save your settings.
The Full version of mohaa doesnt have the cheat problem like the demo version does, there are no settings to set at the server for cheats.
Players cannot add mods to your server. Whatever mods run in the game are only the ones installed on the server, ie Realism mod. If a client runs a mod, only he can see it.
The biggest thing to watch is your bandwidth. Make sure your server connection's upload speed is capable of supporting the # of players you set. Heres the formula: (# players)x(max_rate)<(srver conn upload speed/8). You can test your upload speed at Bandwidthplace.com and then adjust your max_rate settings in your server.cfg file until you get smooth game play with the correct # of players. I started mine at 3000 and moved up;
6000 makes the server chug
7000 removes most lag
8000 is smooth
9000 - 25,000 no increase in player speed at all
Good luck.