09-07-2002, 02:39 PM
[quote:0ddce]Would you like us to just forget we were attacked and let the terrorists have their way? Are you for real or what?[/quote:0ddce]
You're like that pussy kid that got picked on in junior high, only to develop
an unhealthy obsession with his attackers. You can remember, but one of
these days, you will have to move on. I don't think I need to extrapolate on
[quote:0ddce]If you keep taking out the top leaders, eventually the empire will fall. Killing Saddam and Bin Douchebag is a good start if you ask me.[/quote:0ddce]
That is a fallacy: there will always be someone to take the Kingpin's place.
History keeps repeating itself, yet people just don't get the lesson.
[quote:0ddce]You have any other alternatives you'd like to share with the rest of us?[/quote:0ddce]
Ya, I do have a suggestion: how about using those billions you waste on
your TOY ARMY to good use, ie. helping the poor in your own country and
extending outward from there ? I know of four or five possible retorts to
this, and none of them are any good... so save your breath.
[quote:0ddce]oh well, like Mick Jagger once said: "you can't always get what you want." [/quote:0ddce]
Perhaps you should heed his words yourself.