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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 07-18-2006, 03:25 PM

ill be getting the 600 dollar version, just because i dont want them to release some shit that works with the card reader, and be left in the cold. . .plus 60g's of space versus 20g's and once these machines are hacked - no way is 20g's enough to fit enough games on (60g's is barely enough). . .

the silver trim i can do w/o

yea im gonna camp for this thing. . .ive never done that before and if you get the right group of people ( PS3 fan group or some shit) - could make it fun. . .what the fuck else do i have to do that day - "work". . .oh the horror - missing a day of work. . .yea right. . .push comes to shove ill be there with the female im sleeping with so at least itll be that. . .

garaunteed - these things are going to sell out fucking quick. . .and i have no intention of waiting for fucking ever to get one. . .

as for getting an xbox360 - for what? - i cant think of a single game they have thats EXCLUSIVE that i want to play - im more into RPGs, STRAT-Games, action platformers - and some of the best RPG's/Action-Platformers have come to the PS2: Final Fantasy, Wanderer and The Collosus, GTA, Disgae, Persona, Mega-Ten series - etc. etc. XBOX just dont have that for meh. . .
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