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Default 09-07-2002, 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by "Recycled Spooge":c3419
Ben Franklin didn't invent electricity. If I was in control of the U.S., I would certainly not attack Iraq because Iraq never attacked the U.S. It's a crazy idea, no? How about attacking Saudi Arabia; the homeland of the 9/11 terrorists? What a crazy idea! Try to use some logic. How about removing naval fleets and military bases off the Persian Gulf. The Arab states there are like under the iron curtain over there; either you submit to U.S. authority, or you get your shit blown up. Saudi Arabia is just as "evil" as Iraq but since it submits and agrees with the U.S. it's an ally now; although it's press and media is largely anti-American and anti-semitic. Same thing with China by the way.
The whole Arab region is anti-American, however, they still come to this country for education and medical reasons...go figure!! About the possible attack on Iraq, i said we should just send a team of assassins to take Saddam out. As for having our military there, we have to. Remember Kuwait? Do you think our presence there might have something to do with some sort of civil peace in the region? I think so. As far as Saudi Arabia, they're an Arab nation so alot of pressure is put on them from other Arab nations. Bin douchebag was banned from that country so at least they appear to try to debunk terrorism.
Now how did China get into this? They support terrorism? If they hate us that bad also, maybe they shouldn't export their goods into this country anymore. Everything here is "made in China". I guess they like making money off of us.

[Gerald]......i'm done talking to you because it's like pissing in the wind!![/quote:c3419]
I believe China killed its citizens just like Iraq is "doing", and it's the "evil" communist nation, like North Korea which is in the "Axis of Evil". But once again, we have a double standard.
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