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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 07-20-2006, 10:40 PM

I take XPAND and Whey Protein. Never tried creatine but I'd like to just to see how it works.

XPAND is by fr the best supplement I've ever tried. After 2 weeks of taking it I was able to lift 20-30 lbs more on each lift. It works that well. Plus it makes your arms rock hard, and that alone gets you excited about working out.

Overall though it's a good diet and proper workout routine that will give you the best results. There's really no easy way to gaining strength. I've gone from 170 on my bench to 330 in a little over one year on the routine I use. Most of it relies on diet, and if you can't follow it to a T, you won't get the results you want.
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