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Default 09-07-2002, 05:38 PM

If Cheney/Bush ever do carry out their "preemptive" strike agianst Iraq, then the world is screwed. Next India or Pakistan launch preemtive strikes. We have no right to do any such thing. We have no right to decide who rules where. If we don't like whose in charge some place, too bad. If that country is making weapons of mass destruction, that is bad, but again we have no right to invade a country because of that. If we did, let's do it right. Start by invading China, North Korea, Russia(and all of the old USSR), India, Pakistan, Israel, France, Britian, Columbia, Canada, Mexico, Cuba,,,..... These countries could all be threats to U.S. interests. So why not start taking out the government and putting puppet governments in. Cheney/Bush are a couple of wanna be cowboys. If this bogus war should happen, every other country in the world better start building their defenses up, because you never know, the U.S. might decide that it need to make a preemptive attack against them to protect U.S. citizens.
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