07-22-2006, 06:01 PM
well, my mom doesnt want them in the house, so probably my uncle will end up with them, since when my great-granddad died, he got all his hunting shotguns and such, hopefully he wont get them though. btw: the .22 pump is a remington, not winchester. but yeah, my grandma in the 50 some years they were married never knew he owned them, and she'd even been in the drawer, but not ever emptied it so she never saw the pistols, and the rifle and shotgun were in the back corner of a closet my granddad had to himself. he was in the military, he joined the airforce to avoid the draft in 1951, stationed in texas, but he never told us he had them, and we just thought he forgot he had them. i cleared them all and checked several times to be sure, and the automatics at least didn't have a round chambered. if i do eventually get them, i'd probably just sell the .22 pistol, it doesnt even have a rear sight. it says "high-standard military" on the slide if that means anything