Originally Posted by "CoMaToSe":0d19c
Hiding in shame
Originally Posted by "Proteus":0d19c
Originally Posted by "Acideyez":0d19c
Originally Posted by "Proteus":0d19c
I think you should have made this poll about something important, like banning comatose.
banning you is just as good.
If you do a duel banning, me and comatose, I'm willing to take one for the team, just to inconvenience his day.
Prot, who am I to you? Im a picture of david hasselhoff and a bunch of text on a webforum. Im nobody to you. I dont understand how you, or anybody here, for that matter, can focus so much energy and wrath at a complete stranger. Its that sort of mentality that starts wars and flys planes into buildings. Dont take yourself so seriosuly.
Comatose. Shut the fuck up. You just don't get it. I'm not talking about the situation of me hating you and you not knowing why, I'm talking about the shit you post. You're a fucking moron, and you don't get it. You lose at everything. All I can say is I pray to god you don't act like this in real life, IE, repeating exactly what somebody says to try to sound cool.[/quote:0d19c]
I wouldnt worry too much about me, prot. In my experience, internet success/coolness=Real life fail[/quote:0d19c]
its be like being the 3rd wheel at a prom just cock blocking the dude from getting some poontang.
only there were six of us
only 2 of the female persuasion. I hope you die.[/quote:0d19c]
But you have to realise that you are dateless, out of a group of 6 only 2 were girls, and that in every single picture you are with those 2.[/quote:0d19c]
the two I showed you, yea. Having a preference for some friends over others is normal. Plus you may notice, Im on the leading edge. they were following me