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General of the Army
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 07-27-2006, 03:25 PM

Johnj, why were people shooting up your house?

My sister called 111 (Our version of 911) when I was about 10 and we were staying at my mum's aunties house in dunedin - Theres a weird generation age displacement in our family, and my mothers cousins are closer to me and my two sisters' age - Anyway one of her cousins decided he was gonna go to sleep with a candle, but it was one of those floating candles that you're supposed to have on water - Set his bedside table on fire and then the entire room, he was about 17 years old - My sisters' an I and my autistic american cousin who was staying with us were playing nintendo and smelt the smoke, opened the door and he came out all black coughing and dazed - Took him to the neighbours house and called 111, my dad got home just in time, while the fire was still contained and went in with my auntie and threw buckets of water in the room while they waited for the firemen who arrived in time. That room was fucked, but luckily it didn't spread further than that...
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