Thread: GF1 Roommates
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Default 07-28-2006, 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by Judas
roommates and a live in chick arent the same ... youd enjoy living with punky and having to watch some other dude get what you cant have ? no thanks. plus, living with chicks sucks. it does. if it werent for the fact that you pretty much have too when married or you cant swing getting her to play with your wang without living together, i dont see wjy any guy would "honestly" want to live with a girl.
He's just speaking from experience, when in reality if your single you get a couple of fuck buddies and move in with them. Good ones arent that bad at all, just watch out for the real bitchy ones. and as a hint. if it becomes "that time of the month", just keeps a good stock of ice cream and chocolate and everything will be fine

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