Thread: your first job
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Location: Anaheim, CA
Default 08-07-2006, 07:32 PM

worked at a nursery on saturdays when i was 15 years old and made about $30 each day. when i got out of the service i got a job at a computer returns warehouse stocking and processing product. it was cool because i got to drive all kinds of heavy machinery and got a dollar extra for driving. i was making about $11 per hour until they transferred me way out in another county. i was part time, so it wasnt worth it and since i was part time, it was hard for me to show up on time, so i got fired. it was the best thing though, cause i went to Sony and got a nice job there. that was a fun job and i worked in customer service supporting the reps making $14 an hour. i used my position in the company to get me a ticket to E3 that year and i started dating one of the managers. they relocated the whole dept to san diego county, so most of us had to get another job. it was hard and i couldnt get anything that could match the pay, so i went to a temp agency and got a data entry job for $12 an hour at this vocational school. it was the shittiest and most unrewarding job i've had and so even after they hired me and gave me a dollar raise, i decided to quit after i took a trip to Canada. a month later i went to another agency and they found me this sweet job at my current company for $15 an hour. i started out being an admin for the Telecom dept in blackbery support and the person i worked with was cool enough to teach me everything and so she started relying on me more and more for billing and technical support. our VP had me doing some projects after they figured i knew well enough, and started she started asking around if they could hire me permanently. upper managment said no because of budgeting and staffing restrictions, so when my contranct expired, i was let go at the end of this last April. i went to phoenix and chicago to do some sightseeing while i was unemployed and kept in touch with them during my time off. About 5 weeks later, my partner and supv persuaded upper managment to bring me on for another contract until the end of this year. hopefully, they will be able to hire me full time. i am looking around for some Telecom-IT certificates so i can bump my pay grade in case they do. when they brought me back, my supv told them to give me an extra dollar per hour, so im making $16 at a job i love. if i dont get hired here full time, i will probably try to get into the mortgage industry. i am going to school at night now, but i hope i get hired here, i could do this long term for a while.
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