Thread: your first job
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Default 08-07-2006, 07:37 PM

very first job I has was an "under the table" one I had working for my Dads friends doing maintainence work in office buildings

Mainly I steam cleaned carpets
Stripped and waxed floors
did that for about a year every single weekend. and every weekend I hated doing it. but it was all I had at the time and was still too young to get a real job and I needed money.

2nd one was working with my brother in a warehouse and delt with Truck and Car tires.

basically had to take out the tires from the trailer and put them on the skids and then someone (maybe me) would have to stcik them in the other trailer the same way lol, was sucha complete waste.
Did that for one Summer and Fucking quit that bitch

Didnt work for about a year after that. Then the next summer came along and I applied at so many stores and neither of them called me back. Until early october I received a phone call from an employer that asked me if i was still interested in a job, and I said sure I was.

That place now just Happens to be My Current Job In the grocery Store Bakery and it will be 3 years this upcoming October that Ive been there.

Ill never EVER quit that job. It has done SO much for me and has always been there for me. Ive gotten an increased wage so many times since Ive been there, I Have my own car now and pay for it, I also have dental benefits which cover 100% for me. and just the people I work with is reason enough to go in. There hasnt been a day in the past 3 years of working there that I didnt want to go in.

What I do there:
Break out we call this because I have to break out the foodz for the next day that have to be baked (sweets, buns, scoop muffins, bagles, baguettes - whatever the fuck
Set up - Come in in the morning to full all the bins for the buns and bagles and fill the baskets with bread and shit then fill tables with the frozer order we get in.
Bake - Baker all the breads and buns and sweets, just whatever.

also, During those 3 years there, I also worked at another retail store (canadian tire) Full Time. WORST fucking place to work in. I HATED everday I had to go there. I thought it would have brought me in some extra Cash, but NO, they started you off at $8/h FULL TIME wtf, I made around $500 every two weeks LOL what a shit hole. I worked in the hardware department for about 3 months until things got all changed then they transfered me to the Sports Dept, Which was a little better because Iwas working with people my own age now. They then put my incharge of the Bike Section which was fucking dredful,

I had to go in the back room upstairs and bring whatever bikes I needed back down in to the floor, ONE by ONE and put them on the racks, some were on the floor and some were at about my height and some I had to clumb a fucking wobbly ladder to put up. and there was Two aisles I had to take care of.

needless to say I dont work there anymore. I Quit just before I summer really started to get underway. There was no way I was putting up with those stupid fucking customers all summer long for $8/h. I worked there for 6 months.
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