08-07-2006, 09:15 PM
A Fast Food (And Honorable Mentions) Eaters Guide to Shit (Literally)
-As documented by Stammer I. Nycksgayenstien.
Taco Bell - Rumble gut, and gas followed by a sudden urge to poop, either diarrhea or loosely solid shit meteors.
McDonald's - Gut rumble then a shit, mostly solid but can be of the diarrhea variety. After which usually follows small amounts of abdominal gas.
Burger King - Nearly same as McDonald's.
KFC - AVIOD AT ALL COSTS - Tremendous gas usually accompanied with a sick feeling followed by an unsatisfying shit. Usually watery and loose.
Domino's - Standard variety solid poop, can be sudden and accompanied with gas.
Pizza Hut - (Sucks balls.) Pretty much the same as Domino's but the shit has a much longer gestation period.