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fzck bucknubs stand/shelf(dvd shelving project)
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Default fzck bucknubs stand/shelf(dvd shelving project) - 08-13-2006, 09:43 PM

The 72 inch book case I had dvd's on was just not cutting it anymore so we decided to make some shelves

55 inches long, 6 inches deep

Freshly cut wood

Slappin some paint on(took 2 days since as you can see it was getting dark and couldnt see shiz)

Installation(Not cocaine :shifty eyes

All shelves mounted

Stacking in corresponding letters

Final Product Totally Alphabatized(missing about 5-8 movies that people have out)

current movie stats

List of current collection


"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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