Originally Posted by Blase
It's just an awesome show because it's a goddamned awesome show.
I wish I could write down every reason I love it and present it through a powerpoint presentation, but like so many other things people just like it because they do.
One example I can use though, spoiler, is at the beginning of season 4 Jack Bauer is trying to stop these terrorists who took an entire airport terminal hostage by relaying information of the placement of hostages and terrorists to the CTU SWAT team who is about to raid the facility, but he get's discovered and is forced to tell the team misleading information on purpose so that the CTU SWAT team would get decimated by the terrorists who are now expecting the raid.
However, in his very last transmission to the CTU SWAT team leader he slips in a inconspicous "Code 4" or something that means he's saying everything he's saying under duress. The CTU SWAT team at the last moment before going in realizes this and changes their plan and come from behind the terrorists ambush squad instead of infront of them and completly just obliterate all the terrorists in an awesome scene.
Hell yeah dude, that was fucking sweet.