Thread: Fakes?
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Default Fakes? - 08-16-2006, 11:35 PM

This isnt the best place to ask, but I'll do it anyway:

My dad's friend was cleaning out his garage about 30 years ago and found a nazi knife in there, so you know, he just kinda gave it to my dad. Said his dad picked it off a german dude back in WW2.

The knife is one of 200 produced in the entire world. It's an SS one, with Himmler's signature on it right on it. But my dad says it's fake, according to an expert on the internet. Thing is, this guy also wants to buy our knife...

I'm gonna play inspectigator and say that he's just trying to fool us so he can get it for cheap. It's supposed to be worth $60,000 fucking dollars each one.

Here's pics:


Whadaya guys think?
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