Yeah man don't worry too much about other people maps, each one will have its good and bad points and who know if we like each other map we can collaborate on the next one I have 2 in mind, one a fun one the other another DDay one which so far I haven't heard anyone is attempting maybe because it was a UK operation ;-)
I am and have been laboring long and hard to get mine authentic looking spent hour search the web and have a library of documents and photos yet for all that some essential info is still missing, I have yet to find a useful picture of the fire control op that I can get a idea of the out side let alone the inside.
Also realistically one will have to scale back the map as the real area is too large. My main concern is to do justice to those that fought there and not trivialize it by making it GI joe.
Also of course we wont have hundred of players

Any large open map like this is likely to suffer from a fps drop too. So you must realise that it is a harder map to do well than some town/street map..
There aren't any Algiers ocean textures by name, the trick is finding the right one.
By the way the rock at the end has it really got a hole in it? I check many picture and in two there was a shadow but of 20 or so none showed definately a hole. I have done a version of each but might lose it because its costing alot of brushes for little gain.