Thread: dorm
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Default 08-22-2006, 06:49 PM

I know what kind of abuse this will garner here, so spare me.
I'm actually not very good at talking to people. Especially girls. Its a miracle I ever get any. Or pity. Whatever.

ANyway, this whole college thing has got me really freaked out. I went to an open house thing today, and this pretty girl was sitting in the row ahead of me. To my surprise and slight suspicion (see: fatish) she turned around and asked me if I wanted to sit with her. This is a strange thing for an antisocial like myself to encounter. I tried to say something funny in a nervous sort of way indicating that Id like to, but I cant because of antisocial tendencies. Nervous laugh. Instead, what left my mouth was a rather rude sounding bastardization of this that really felgt and sounded like a snubbing. To the extreme oOo: . Anyway, she got this offended look and turned around. After, I tred to talk to her. I found her, she was alone in line for something, and I just couldnt say anything to her. I just turned my back and walked off. And I know Im gonna see her tommorrow at theater auditions, and its gonna fuck me up.

The point is, I cant talk to girls at all. I cant approach one even for the simplest things, like "Hey, I think I used to go to junior school with you" or "hey, sorry about my unintentional rude snubbing you yesterday".

I hate my life. loney:
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