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Default 08-23-2006, 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by Proteus
Originally Posted by Pyro
they should be able to name their building whatever they want.

Jews should fucking shut up and quit being fucking whiners.

They pull a hitler and attack lebenon...and im supposed to respect their opinions?
For once I sort of agree with you. Stupid Irael..

First off Israel didn't attack Lebanon, they attacked Hezabollah, who were firing rockets into Israel from civilian positions in Lebanon. That would be the same Hezabollah who hid among civilians afterward, so the retaliation from Israel would look bad. The same Hezabollah that claimed that suicide bombers were the only weapons they had to fight with. The same Hezabollah that rejoice in the death and destruction of not only Jews, but also their own men, women, and children.

Second the spelling errors make you guys look like morons, who in their right mind would take you seriously.

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