Originally Posted by Pyro
So is the millions of protestants who died at the hands of Catholics...but you don't see us bitching still.
Seems if you're jew it is your right to bitch...or really...any minority these days...hell equality went out the window...all that happened was the tables were turned...if i say i don't want to date a black girl im racist...but black girls can say they don't date white boys...it's fucked up the way society has changed.
you're comparing apples and mac trucks here. The Catholics had their fun a few HUNDRED years ago whereas Nazi rule was only 60 or so years ago.
And yes, i agree that minorities bitch. But the Jews are really tired of being picked on. They can't even go to the store without worrying about a suicide bomber. So are you supposed to live life with the high probability that violence will follow and not do anything about it? Are you supposed to just say, "Guys stop doing that. it's getting kind of old." No, they had to do something about it since Lebannon's government wasnt/couldn't face the problem themselves.