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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 08-23-2006, 06:05 PM ... 4222213140 ... 222213140/


was simply stunned seeing this guy standing on this solitary(!!) rock IN the Grand Canyon. The canyon's depth is 900 meters here. The rock on the right is next to the canyon and safe.

Watching this guy on his thong sandals, with a camera and a tripod I asked myself 3 questions:-

1. How did he climb that rock ?
2. Why not taking that sunset picture on that rock to the right, which is perfectly safe ?
3. How will he get back ?

We've come to the end of this little story. Look carefully at the photographer. He has a camera, a tripod and also a plastic bag, all on his shoulder or in his left hand. Only his right hand is available to grab the rock and the weight of his stuff is a problem.

He lands low on this flip flops both his right hand and right foot slips away...
At that moment I take this shot.

He pushes his body against the rock. He waits for a few seconds, throws his stuff on the rock, climbs and walks away.

stupid: stupid: stupid: stupid: stupid:
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