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Default 08-23-2006, 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by Proteus
Originally Posted by Pyro
they should be able to name their building whatever they want.

Jews should fucking shut up and quit being fucking whiners.

They pull a hitler and attack lebenon...and im supposed to respect their opinions?
For once I sort of agree with you. Stupid Irael..
You're kidding right? How bout if they named their building after Osama Bin Laden, or Pol Pot, or Stalin? Or maybe some famous serial killer? You know, just to be different. It's not about the danm jews, jesus christ get your heads out of your asses. It's about the principle of the whole thing, about naming a resturaunt after a man who was evil, a man who purposefully and deliberately tried to exterminate not only the Jews, but also homosexuals, people with disabilities, prisoners of war, etc. For God's sake, 6 million jews died, yes, but there were 5 million others as well. Ten of my family members(not including 2 that were soldiers who died in the actual war) perished as a result of that man's actions. Entire families, villages, communities were wiped off the face of the planet. Have you no respect? It doesn't matter what religion they are, we're all flesh and blood.

Oh yea, and FYI
Hitler deliberately targeted and killed 11 million innocents.
Israel killed 1000 lebanese civilians, as a result of being drawn into a confrontation with Hezbollah, who sparked the conflict by launching an incursion into Israel, in which 8 soldiers were killed and 2 captured. Hezbollah deliberately fired rockets(3000, which means 3000 attempts on the lives of the people of Israel) into Israeli cities from residential areas, knowing Israeli counterattacks would kill innocents and give them bad publicity. And all the civilians who actually had any sense were long gone from Southern Lebanon, considering Israel warned them to leave. So umm yea, think before you speak. L
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