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Tattoo idea that I drew this week
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Default Tattoo idea that I drew this week - 08-25-2006, 08:46 AM

Doorgnr, 5th ESB, asked for folks to draw a tattoo for him. He wanted a skull wearing a WWII leather flying hat and the Air Corp logo. I had some time to kill on a couple of planes this week and I got thinkin' about Doorgnr's tat. Since Niceguy (also 5th ESB) already submitted his drawing, and stole the idea I was going to do! ... (An Air Corp logo with the head and shoulders of a skelton pilot, wearing a flight jacket, above it.).... I tried to think of a different approach. Here tis ...


I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I got the idea of the skull face from a Ghostrider comic. I'm gonna ink it today. There are a couple of things I'd like to fix ... I drew the head too dang big to do the flames right, I might can fix that when I scan it after inking. The goggles seem off to me. Also, the Air Corp logo isn't quite right. I'm not sure about it. I think it is crooked. But overall I like it. Might have to put it on a t-shirt! LOL