Originally Posted by wintersforge
Originally Posted by Eames
Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by Arkan
Without looking at any reply, i'm recommending [url=http://www.kimberamerica.com/:ccf44]Kimber[/url:ccf44]
Whats the normal price of a Kimber .45
they are going to cost 700 plus dollars. are they worth it? hell yes, the kimber m1911a1 is the best ever made except for maybe the originals designed and built by john browning.
that being said, if 800 bucks is out of your price range...the springfield m1911a1 is very good, its not a kimber no....but its still good and you can get them for around 450-500 bucks.
new and used from 400-900 is the range these are in...i want a kimber doll
well of course a used model is going to be cheaper. i don't like buying used weapons, but thats just me. if you look around you can most definitly find a good value on a kimber.