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Instructions for posting on GF1
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Default Instructions for posting on GF1 - 08-31-2006, 04:12 AM

Instructions for normal people:
1)Read the thread
2)Write something relevant to the topic
3)Hit submit

Instructions for Buttocks:
1)Read the thread
2)Write something completely irrelevant yet funny
3)Hit submit
4)Continue to Hijack the thread
5)Bask in the glory

Instructions for Judas:
1)Post something completely irrelevant and unfunny
2)Hit submit

Instructions for Comatose/Blitz/Duffy
1)Read the thread
2)Try and post something funny
3)Wipe the tears from your face because no one on the board thinks you're funny
4)Keep trying your hardest to be funny
5)Failure is guaranteed

Instructions for Pyro:
1)Read the thread
2)Remind everyone of your opinions
3)Indent after every sentence
4)end post with a Ebonics cliche'
5)hit submit
It's like with more gay jokes.
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