Thread: .45 shopping
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Default 08-31-2006, 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Originally Posted by strvs
Personally i think there are more logical means of self defense than having to blast the shit out of someone. calmdown:
Really? Why don't you enlighten us? I seriously hope you're joking about trusting your life to a 911 phone call or martial arts...

What the fuck else could you possibly think is more efficient than a firearm when self-defense is in question?
I don't know, every situation is different. I have no doubts that a pistol is the most "efficient" form of self defense, but is it so necessary? Never once in my life have i been in a situation where pointing a gun in someones face seemed logical.. i just don't see how carrying a gun around everywhere you go somehow makes you that much 'safer.' And i don't see how pulling a gun out can make a situation any better.. there are unlikely exceptions of course, but it still does not justify - in my mind - the need to carry around a gun. spank:
It's like with more gay jokes.
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