Thread: .45 shopping
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Default 09-01-2006, 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by Proteus
Sloi you crazy republican. What shit end of Harlem are you living in that you need to carry a gun on you at all times? Some people may need one if they're in a bad area I would imagine, but if you're rich enough to own enough shit to protect with a gun chances are you're not living in an area where you're likely to be robbed. It's every American's right to own a gun, but I don't think you need to carry one on you at all times... if that was even the argument...

Smoke two joints in the morning...
I'm referring to self-defense in general, not necessarily concealed carry at all times bro.

Besides, canadians don't have the right to defend themselves... it's kind of a joke, but it's also true.
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