09-01-2006, 09:59 PM
Ive had a friend hold their old beat up almost dead enginges at redline for 9 minutes to see what happened. It did sieze eventually but thats because it was near dead and running without proper maintainence.
"you could crack your cylinder, break the rubber air-tight sealer, damage the mechanical arm that moves the piston in and out"
Yes you could crack the cylinder block, its hard to do but possible without proper cooling and lubrication. The air tight rubber sealer? you mean gasket? gaskets blow, its not the end of the world. Sure a blown head gasket(do you know what a head is?) would cause long term problems but the car would still run. And that mechanical arm is called a connecting rod. All parts of engines can be broken. Some are harder to break than others.
Either way you cant get a car to move without revving the engine, which is in fact for revving.