Dumb (but funny!) jokes! -
09-09-2002, 12:02 PM
Not knock-knock jokes, or story jokes, but practical jokes. For example:
Go into your local K-mart/Wal-mart/Target/Caldors/WHATEVER, and put a bag of M&M's on layaway.
While driving on the expressway, speed up, pull up next to someone on their left, frantically yell "PULL OVER! PULL OVER!" Once they pull over, you just keep going.
Next time you drive through a toll booth, try to bargain with the person taking your money. Tell him you only have 35 cents because you spent all your money on strippers and beer. (This works well espically if you're a chick!)
RUN into your local corner store and scream "ARE YOU OPEN ON THURSDAY?!?!" Once they answer, yell "THANK YOU!!!" then run back out.
Next time you are at a crosswalk with a light, look for a sign that reads "Pedestrians have the right of way". Once this light turns green, and there are cars waiting to go through the intersection, start dancing/playing in the street. If the car beeps it horn, abryuptly stop, and point to the sign in a gloating fashion.
If you see a car waiting at a light (espically an oldsmobile/caddiliac) jump into the back seat, and tell the driver a local address. When he/she says "I'm not a cab!" Just reply "Well fine! I WAS going to give you a good tip, too! HAVE A NICE DAY!" and jump out of the car.
Next time you go through a drive-thru, and the operator tells you (rare, but it happens!) "Welcome to (Fast food place), can you please hold." simply say "my dick!" They like when you do this, it gives them a thrill in their job, and a reason to spit in your food! heh
(Tnx to Mr. George Carlin, the comedian not the AA.COM member, for some of the great jokes. he's by far the best.)