Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
I should have died right there of pure raw total wild joy. I guess I have a strong heart because the jolt it received when I saw the garter belt and the red lace panties was about the same as if I'd grabbed a high-tension wire.
I don't remember how I got there, but I found myself kneeling down and my lips making contact with the smooth, warm texture of Monica's firm, round ass.
When suddenly I became aware - "Hey, this chick is dead."
...and then, right there, as if a spark of brilliance lit out of the bleak existence which is my brain, I came to the final conclusion of my life that had been staring down on me since I registered at groundforce1.com. With one swift manouever I clutched the side of my head and rapidly snapped my own neck, with a motion so fiesty I could not consider a second breath of regret....Floating to death, I considered the benefit to others in the situation of my own death, and took with me, the token notion that I had freed those of that forum of my fucking fagrag gaywad existence.