Thread: bone a corpse
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Default 09-08-2006, 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by Eames
Originally Posted by Blase
Originally Posted by Eames
these guys should be killed.
You don't feel the death penalty is a bit draconian in this situation?

To everyone who has said these guys need to die, do you honestly think these people are such a threat, or have commited a crime so grevious, that the only possible course of action is to kill them?
imagine that was your sister, mother, wife, girlfriend, whatever that just died and these cum stains dug up her body and fucked her corpse. granted since in this instance they weren't able to go through with the deed, they should still be severly punished....because honestly it takes a pretty sick individual to want to dig up someone whose been dead and burried for a week and attempt to have sex with their body.
I wouldn't be screaming for blood. What these kids did is wrong, but I'm not an unreasonable person who requries the ultimate penalty to feel any type of vindication. I honestly do not think these kids need to be put to death, they made a mistake, and they will pay for it justly. We cannot allow our emotions to take hold in situations like these or else a lot more people would be put to death who frankly do not deserve the death penalty.

I would rather these people have to live life with the fact they tried to have sex with a corpse following them around everywhere.