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Default 09-08-2006, 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Pyro
No I doubt my IQ dropped...and I doubt im any different than I was then...Hell I was LIKED when all I was considered was an anti-american...hell the better I get at not making fun of america...the more im hated...hwell I need pfc green was fun arguing with him.
Originally Posted by Pyro
Hell even the "popular" kids did...until I pissed off Tripper at fuck i even forget it...but 92bengals was the guild not the site... when it opened the first time...and then everything changed.
Its amazing how delusional you are about how people see you.

Pissing off me had nothing to do with anything. You were hated long before 92bengals @ That is a FACT, not my personal opinion.

INFACT - I was actually one of the few people that still had faith in you when everyone started hating on you, after your anti-buckweed, anti-america general dickhead with an agenda posting behaviour.
You whined and whined and people whining about your whining and everything else just became so annoying I gave up on trying to enlighten you and just started insulting you because you refused to see the bigger picture and continued annoying people with pointless anti-american flamebait.

Its funny how you blame me for everything as well. Your biggest problem is so obvious - You just can't take the responsibility for anything. You try to put blame for everything, everywhere else but on yourself.

I dunno what the fuck you're going on about when you say after 92bengals opened stuff changed....That was way too recent...A majority group of people have disliked you for so much longer than that, because of your ongoing ridiculous posts.
Shit the start I was disliked...then liked...then disliked again.

I put blame on others...cuz everytime I did put blame on myself all I got was more what was th epoint...if blaming myself means more backlash and it fucking is it still my fault.

It doesn't matter what I do...nothing changes...and I dind't care who disliked me before...I only started caring when the ones I actually liked started disliking me...

and from then on it's just been provoking and provoking...msot people know the way I am...I can't ignore when it is blatent and direct at me...and ill keep it going as long as they keep it going. I'm not anti not anti buckweed (though it is still bullshit how he became a mod) and either way im none of those now and im worse either way...changing means shit.

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