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Default 09-09-2006, 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by yves
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
shawn's line of arguement confuses me
What the heck does it take for you to stfu fatsack? Seriously? Dont say that you are just stating your opinion because you obviously said that to mock Pyro while he is getting informed/bashed. Do you somehow believe that you are better than Pyro? I dont understand why do you keep being an idiot not only in this thread but in almost every single one. Why dont you go outside and work on your girl skillz, instead of trying but failing miserably on mocking Pyro.
it took me a grand total of two seconds to write that. Guess what coma did last night? He went to a Frat party. At which he fraternized with the finer sex. And didnt do half bad.

He also never pondered the connection between the words "fraternity" and "fraternize" before
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