09-09-2006, 10:50 PM
dirty radiator.. all the rad does is it brings coolant to a proper heat tempature. AS for plugs being not gapped properly, well that would not be an issue either. NEITHER would an exaut leak do this, unless your car is a TSI/ Turbo Talon. (WHICh would limit the problem to anything before the cat converter.
possible problems.
1. Faulty / Dirty Sensors
2. Your car is OBD 1 so the check engine light does not pop on as often as newer OBD 2 systems.. which COULD help diagnose this problem.
Try something called SEAFOAM ! It really does work wonders and only costs about 8 $.
Steps for using Seafoam.
1. FInd a Vacuum Line or use the throttle body* (where the air intake tube attach's to), SLowly and steadily while the car is running pour down 3/4 of the bottle into it slowly so that the car does not stall, and rev it slowly to keep it from stalling out. (In your case, I recommend 100 % using a vacuum line to do this, brake booster = best choice.) *US e a funnel as well *
2. Re attach vacuum line or air intake tube to the throttle body and Wait 5 minutes with the engine idling after pouring it in.
3. NOW ! GO FOR A Spirited drive / Rip. You will notice TONS AND TONS ! of white smoke coming out of the exaust, this is carbon buildup of sorts. Your engine is getting the clean of its life.
4. This should solve your problem and get yourslef an oil change asap !. (were talking right after if possible, all that crap that was un lodged is now in your oil pan.
Use a freind who is car savy, they should be able to help you with this with no problems. Napa and Car Quest sell Seafoam.