09-11-2006, 05:35 PM
I was in 8th grade and I remember being in my english/writing class and the teacher coming in and saying there was a terrorist attack in NYC. at that time when i heard the word terrorist, i thought of people with masks and guns holding hostages...i thought the swat team or police would fuck them up....but then she said a little bit after that that a plane has hit one of the world trade center buildings...we werent allowed to watch the tv or get any updates, only that a second plane had hit.
im so close to NYC that the smoke from the towers drifted over my town. a few of my parents friends had seen them hit. A lot of my friends who had parents who worked in the city were called down to the office, but luckily they were all safe. I remember vividly my best friend Jenni walking down the ailse in the lunch room crying her eyes out thinking her dad was hurt. I was very fortunate that no one close to me was affected, but RIP to those who lost their lives that day. I will never forget that day.