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Default 09-11-2006, 07:22 PM

I remember exactly what I was doing and where I was. I was in my 8th grade biology class, and we were doing a sort of Jeopardy-esque class game to review for our first test. We were discussing the metric system versus imperical measurements and why the USA was the only country not to have switched over. The teacher says "Because Americans don't like change". At almost that exact moment, his wife, another teacher comes in, and whispers something to him, and we spned the last 5 minutes of class watching Bush's address from the elementary school. That's all we saw, we didn't really understand what was going on. As we were leaving class, I overheard one girl "That was pointless. I thought someone DIED or something" annoy:

In my third period Woodshop class was the first time I saw the twin towers had been hit. Both collapsed during that class.

Today I was walking around campus and I notice the flags were at half mast. I couldn't figure out who died, and then I realized what day it is.