09-11-2006, 11:08 PM
I was in basic training and my company was in the company area cleaning our m16's for qualifications the next day while they did a gear invintory up stairs.
I went up to get more q-tips and a buddy said the radio the drill sergents had on said a plane had hit the trade center. I dismissed it, remember that a b24 had hit the empire state building before, and it didnt say what size the plane was. I was down cleaning my weapon when the company commander came out of his office and annouced that two planes had hit the trade center towers, and that our DS's would give us more information later.
Later that day our lead DS took us out into a feild and told us that we had been attacked and that all of us would likly see combat, though he didnt know where. He then reassured us that our training would not change, it would be just as intense as it was before, and that we should perhaps take it more seriously. Since we did have a few fucking clowns in the plattoon.
The next day we trained. Then a few weeks later our company cycled into the base defense rotation. All those check points on roads into bases, yeah, i did that, i was the one who counted cars for random inspection, or pulled suspicious cars. It wasnt bad until i had to do it from 2am, till 6am, that was my first of many cases of frostbite.
edit: first video footage i saw of it was after my discharge 5 or 6 months later.